Friday, April 24, 2020

Should Both Parents Assume Equal Responsibility In Raising A Child free essay sample

Most of us as babies learn from the senses and sometimes the hard way when we disobey our mother’s warning of â€Å"Hot†, we touch, it burns, we learn. Humans are born with five senses; sight, smell, touch, taste and hearing. These senses make the world an open book for us. From the textbook ‘Thinking’, chapter 3 explains how our senses enable us to think. Your senses gather information about the world around you. The five senses are needed to help you find food, resist heat or cold, and avoid situations that might be harmful. Your ears, eyes, nose, tongue, and skin sense changes in the environment. Nerve receptors send signals about these changes to the brain, where the information is processed. (2010, The World Almanac for Kids). This paper will explore accuracy or inaccuracy of sensory information , as well as, the roles of nature and nurture with regards to the interpretation and evaluation of sensory data. We will write a custom essay sample on Should Both Parents Assume Equal Responsibility In Raising A Child or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The senses can be misinterpreted and even mislead by perceptions that can deceive our brain in three major ways. Our senses are limited biologically. Some examples of what is meant by this are that most people have 20/20 vision and under normal circumstances can see for over a couple of mile. However, we are limited we can see molecules or atoms and we can’t see something ten miles away or even in the dark. Humans can hear sounds at a frequency as high as 20,000 hertz. Our sense of taste is limited to only five distinct sensations: sweet, salty, sour, bitter, and the newly discovered â€Å"umami† or savory sensation (Encyclopedia Britannica). Our senses tell our brain as much information as is possible for them to physically collect. Secondly our senses are corralled by custom, we see the habitual. This statement means that we accept what is culturally and habitually normal first and far most. Habitual senses have a lot to do with our professions and what we are accustomed to doing. For instance the way I perceive a response as an Accountant would probably be far different from a Police Officer, Doctor, or Teacher. Also perceptions would differ from culture to culture; a cold temperature of 42 degrees may be perceived as brisk to some or frigid to others depending on your background. Some human perceptions are based on our habits, interests and biases. We are also blinded by language and therefore see the general. Basing the conclusion on only this statement it is assumed that descriptions of what is felt, tasted, heard and so on can only be conveyed by the words in one’s own vocabulary. The limitation is the ability to only say the words you know to get across your perceptions. In most cases our senses are accurate; however, there are sometimes reasons the human senses can be inaccurate due to factors such as exhaustion, illness, injury, or sleep deprivation which may temporarily or permanently distort the accuracy of sensory perceptions. But in most cases they are accurate and the information they provide us with is vital in grounding our thinking. Without believing in the accuracy of our senses we could not depend on them as we do in our thinking and decision making. It has been said that the loss of one of our senses can actually enhance the other four. Sharpening our perceptions is crucial for delivering better data to our brains. We need the accurate observation and the right facts. We also need solid sensory awareness to ground our thinking and perceive further than appearances and fallacies. We are born with vision, smelling, hearing, taste, and touch these are innate sensory perceptions. Our five senses are natural and as we grow older and more mature we instinctively nurture our senses to perceive things better. A child does not know the smell of smoke or certain food items being cooked, but they are taught, so as their senses are nurtured and developed they can distinguish the different smells. Humans also use instruments to enhance and sharpen our senses. We have over the years created aids and tools such as glasses, microscopes, telescopes, hearing aids and other devices that can improve our perceptions. These instruments allow us to perceive beyond the natural range of our senses to see molecules, microbes and great distances. In conclusion, our five senses are innate and part of nature. Human beings rely on their ability to detect what is happening around them and make sense of the changes. Senses are our connection from the physical world to our minds and thoughts. As children, we learn by the use of our senses and they enable us to connect to new world. As we mature our senses are nurtured our perceptions improve. Our senses are limited but we continually strive to enhance and sharpen our senses so that we can fully understand and explore the world around us.

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